Rewilding Motherhood
Rewilding Motherhood
What are you choosing?
I had a really crap night with the small last night and so this morning I had a choice...I could choose to let that and the ensuing tiredness infiltrate, colour and control my entire mood and day. OR I could choose a different story.
This episode is taken from a ReWilding Live I did inside my free facebook community Rewilding Motherhood and invites you to become aware of what exactly it is you are choosing. What are you missing out on day to day with that choice? ...do you even realise it's a choice? And now that you do, what will you choose instead?
Stepping from Victim to Curator mode (by actively making choices that feel good for us instead of falling victim to our circumstances and letting them leak out onto everything else) is just one of the ways to squeeze more juicy joy out of life that we talk about during The Juicy Joyful Jumpstart and I would love to see you there.
It's a FREE 5 day coaching series with me for an hour a day. It's for mummies who are ready to shrug off the shoulds and break out of the boxes to live life on their own terms. Who are ready to start enJOYing rather than enduring their kids, motherhood and life itself. Who are ready to live more, laugh more and love more. Who are ready to come ALIVE and stop just living day to day.
If you've heard enough and want IN just head here. If you want to read some more go to www.courageandchamomile.com/juicy
As always thanks for listening, thanks for being here. If you enjoyed this episode please do share or come find me on Instagram to let me know your biggest take away.
Mwah x