Rewilding Motherhood

Stop Pause Breathe for Solstice

Emma While

For me the Solstice is like a giant pause & reset button.  A chance to reflect where we've been, where we're at and where we're going next...

...which is only possible if we actually press the bloody pause button and not just rush straight on with our lives, head down, getting through it all.

Just Stop. Pause. Breathe.  Take Stock.

Listen in to hear how my super simple, flexible & effective Stop Pause Breath tool can serve you at this midway point in the year.

The free facebook community I mention, where I go live every Wednesday is the Rewilding Motherhood group...come play!

My email if you want to reach out about how I can help you consciously curate a more meaningful second half of the year is

And my instagram if you want to come let me know how you found the tool, share this episode or just come gang out with me IG style, is here.

Thanks for being here, chat again soon x